Taught in 1st year Bachelor in remedial education
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 84.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level in-depth
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Jan Fiers
Reference SCORTH01A00021
Key words
Human rights, Public law, Civil law.

A Bachelor in Special Education is presumed to gain an insight into social care, social services and customer service within his sphere of action. No matter which target group you serve, it’s quite likely that you will need to be familiar with Family law. We also drive home that the rules of Family law extend to the student as well, depending on which stage of life (s)he’s at. In other words, this training module can help kindle his personal and career development.

The purpose of this training module is to shape these objectives by fostering and developing the following core skills from the training profile:

Job-specific core skills
-1. Drawing upon their professional attitude, to give a tailor-made answer (both verbal and non-verbal) to the customer’s pleas for help.
Supporting subset skill:
        - To support and to uphold the interests and basic rights of the customer, in close
        consultation with the client.

General core skills
General ( generic) core skill
-2. To acquire objectively information, unaided, and to assimilate it (Data acquisition and assimilation).
Supporting subset skills:
        - To look for relevant (national and international) information. To localize the source,
        to analyse it, to put it in the right order and to synthesize it;
        - To assimilate the collected information objectively and purposefully and then to
        incorporate it in your way of acting.

The training module explains (in part 1 ‘Introduction to Law’) the general principles, inclusive of the federal structure of our state, which the student must grasp in order to contextualize the other topics. Straight after that (in part 2: ‘Family law’) a brief analysis is made of the differences in legal status between (natural and legal) persons which will be fleshed out, later on, in other modules.
In this way this module serves as a pointer to juridical frames in training modules as ‘Ethic themes in Orthopedagogics, ‘Juvenile Law and Youth Policy’, ‘Family support models’; ‘Educational support’ (on standard educational route 2) and ‘Deontology of orthopedagogical action’, ‘Social law’, ‘Special topics in Orthopedagogics’, ‘Work placement 2’ and ‘Bachelor dissertaton’ (on standard educational route 3).

Part 1: Introduction to Law
- The sources of law: legislation, local customs, jurisprudence, legal doctrine and the general principles of justice;
- The federal structure of our state and the Belgian political institutions;
- The judicial institutions and legal procedure;
- The fundamentals of the legal system, such as: juristic/legal acts, adducing proof, the law of obligations, liability.

Part 2: Family law
The individual and the family unit:
- natural persons and legal persons;
- the capable and the incapable;
- lines of descent;
- marriage and divorce;
- parental authority, custody, guardianship and adoption.
Liability and professional secrecy.

Entry-level skills
Exit qualifications in secondary education.

Final Objectives
Exit-level skills
The core skills from the training profile listed in the ‘objectives’ section are fully underpinned by the following exit-level skills of the training module:

At the level of knowledge and comprehension
The students:
- Can correctly explain basic concepts, structures and applications of the Belgian judicial system and of Family law;
- Demonstrate a well-founded insight into the societal context within which Family law evolves and enters the statute books.

At the application level - skills
The students:
- Implement the sources of law in Family law to good effect;
- Solve a case study by applying the relevant sections of Family law;
- Are able to convey information about the Belgian judicial system and Belgian Family law clearly and rationally to potential clients.

At the level of integration
The students:
- Are able to give good reasons why Law is a source, and an effective means, of providing welfare, social services and relief to the needy.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Book: Fiers, J.(2008). Beknopt Burgerlijk Recht voor welzijnswerkers.(Synoptic Civil law for social welfare workers). Ghent: Knops Publishing;
Syllabus (accessible via Dokeos).
On the website: and at Dokeos, further support to students is provided in the form of supplementary and detailed information (for seekers of value-added service products). Exercises, mock exams and the complete course can be found there too.

Study costs
The cost price is estimated at approx. 23 euros ( book + photocopying costs).

Study guidance
Students get an opportunity to put questions, individually, after class.
Individual consultation (tutoring/monitoring) by appointment.
Contact detail: item Lecture(s).

Teaching Methods
Whole-class lectures with room for debate;
Opinion polls;
Practical exercises in smaller groups.

An examination for this training module is scheduled in the exam period at the end of the semester in which you took this course.

Student progress is evaluated by means of a written examination. There is a multiple choice part (50% of the marks) and a part with open-ended questions (50% of the marks). Application questions make up much of the exam. The examination focuses on the topics and exit-level skills of this training module. The total number of questions is limited to what can be got through comfortably within the allotted time for the exam.

The resits consist in a comparable written examination, to an equivalent standard.

Jan Fiers (