Taught in 1st year Bachelor in Industrial Science in Biochemistry
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 48.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 80.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Credit contract? Access upon approval
Examination contract? Access upon approval
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Ingeborg Stals
Reference IMIWDB01A00003
Key words
Biochemistry, enzymology, biocatalysis

- to support the theory presented in the lectures regarding the action of enzymes and their properties.
- to provide a knowledge of the theory and applications of modern approaches to enzyme technology.
- to give the student a personal experience how biotechnology can lead to better industrial processes
- to learn to adopt a scientific and problem-solving attitude

The lab exercises show how enzymes can be used in the laboratory and industrially. The students choose a project from one of the following industrial processes or enzyme technologies: e.g. processes essential in the paper and pulp production, the food, the animal feed, textile, detergent or the pharmaceutical industry. The exercises give a critical appreciation of (1) the preparation and use of immobilised enzymes and describe the behaviour of immobilised enzymes versus free enzymes (2) the bio-transformation of natural complex molecules and/or the production of chiral molecules (3) the production of fine chemicals and biofuels.
The students are expected to work in groups with a named group leader that changes with each subject. The outcome and discussions of the practical work will be presented to and discussed with the unit leader and with the fellow students.

- Understanding the basic principles of organic chemistry, biochemistry and enzymology .
- Possessing good laboratory skills, numerical and data analytical skills.
- Being able of transforming theoretical knowledge to practical questions.
- being able of looking up technical and scientific references.

Final Objectives
Core competentence 1
To be able to design, analyse and follow up industrial biochemical processes (SC4, AIC3*)
Amongst others:
- Being able of overseeing the specific problems and of conducting, fine-tuning and optimising the methods used.
- To be able to decide which analyses could be conducted to control and to optimise the experiment.
- To possess an awareness of the current applications of enzyme technologies.

Core competentence 2
To be able to acquire and to handle relevant scientific and technical information and to control specific practical skills (SC5, SC1, AWC1)
Amongst others:
- Developing skills concerning the use of expensive substrates and enzymes.
- Demonstrating an understanding of the mechanism of enzyme action and of the kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions.

Core competentence 3
To be able to control research skills and to conduct scientific research independently (SC6, AIC4*, AWC3*)
Amongst others:
- Being able of carefully preparing and planning the experiments on the level of a beginning researcher.
- to be able to enlarge knowledge and insights in a creative and in an original way.

General competentence 1
To be able to collect, to read and to comprehend scientific and technical articles related to the speciality (AC2).
Amongst others:
Being able of integrating relevant social and scientific developments of the field.

General competentence 2
To be able to solve complex problems effectively (AC3*, AIC1*)

Amongst others:
To be able to implement scientific-disciplinary insights on complex enzymtechnical problems.

Materials used
::Click here for additional information::
Notes and scientific articles concerning the different experiments are available.

Study costs
2 euro

Study guidance
Students are guided intensively during the practical sessions.

Teaching Methods


Ingeborg Stals
Katleen Hoorelbeke