Taught in Selection list for 3rd year
Selection list for the Linking course toMaster in Industrial Sciences in Chemistry
Theory [A] 24.0
Exercises [B] 24.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 90.0
Studypoints [E] 3
Level specialized
Credit contract? Unrestricted access
Examination contract? Unrestricted access
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Ingeborg Stals
Reference IBIWCH03K00011
Key words
Biochemistry, Enzymology, Biocatalysis

A large number of biotechnological processes use one or more enzymes as biocatalysts. Besides industrial uses, many enzymes are also used for analytical purposes, mainly in diagnsotics. The biochemical basis of enzymology is fundamental for the succesful development and application of enzyme processes.

In enzyme technology new processes have been and are being developed to manufacture both bulk and high added-value products utilizing enzymes as biocatalysts. These processes meet the criteria of sustainability. Current products obtained with industrial enzyme processes are detailed. The structural properties, the mechanism, the application for equilibrium and kinetically controlled processes, the kinetic properties, inhibition and the substrate specificity are discussed. During the practical sessions, enzyme kinetics are performed with a chromogenic substrate.
The methods for immobilisation of enzymes on different carriers and other relevant aspects are also adressed. Industrial applications of enzymes are further illustrated with case studies (the production of a precusor or semisynthetic antibiotics, the enzymatic manufacture of HFCS from starch, the paper and pulp industry).

Basic knowledge of biochemistry and organic chemistry (final competentences 2de bachelor).

Final Objectives
Core Competence 1:
Being able to acquire basic enzymological knowledge and skills and to implement scientific-disciplinary insights on engineering problems, independently and in a team (SC1, AIC)
Amongst others:
- gather insight into the biochemical basis, the reaction mechanism and properties of an enzyme.
- to be able to implement research methods and research techniques in an effective way and to initiate research in an problem-controlled way.

Core competentie 2:
To be able to collect and to handle relevant scientific and technical information and to control specific practical skills (SC5)
Amongst others:
- to be able to work with expensive materials and low quantities.

General competence 1:
To be able to think and to reason permanently in a critical, creative and scientific way (AC1)

General competence 2:
To be able to communicate and to report information, ideas, problems and solutions in enzymology to laymen as well as to specialists in an efficient way (AC4)

Materials used
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Theory: notes, articles and powerpoint presentation.
Exercises: laboratory notes

Study costs
Theory: € 7
Exercises and laboratory notes: € 2.

Study guidance
Additional explanation can be obtained during the coached practical and theoretical exercises.
After most chapters there are additional exercises and problems in which the understanding of the handled concepts and theories can be accentuated.

Teaching Methods
Theorie : Lectures
Oefeningen : coached exercises

Theory (written and oral examination): 66,6 %
Exercises (scoring is the average of the yearly performances, report and quoted exercise): 33.3 %

A weighted average is used to compute the final score for a training item.
However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items), he proves that his skill for certain subcompetences is insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus.

Ingeborg Stals
Katleen Hoorelbeke