Lectured in 1st year Bachelor in Applied LinguisticsEnglish - Tschech
1st year Bachelor in Applied LinguisticsEnglish - Spanish
1st year Bachelor in Applied LinguisticsEnglish - Russian
1st year Bachelor in Applied LinguisticsEnglish - French
1st year Bachelor in Applied LinguisticsEnglish - German
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 52.0
Training and projects [C] 25.0
Studytime [D] 125
Studypoints [E] 5
Level introductory
Language of instruction English and Dutch
Lecturer Johan DELOOF
Reference VBTAAL01A00024
Key words
Vocabulary, translation

Partim Translation E/D (Ed,Ef): Translating from English focuses on different translation situations and on the accurate interpretation of source texts which need to be converted into fluent and correct Dutch.

Partim Translation D/E (E5): special attention is paid to the application of familiar or new grammar rules with a view to avoiding all too literal conversions from Dutch into English, both grammatically and lexically.

Partim Vocabulary (Ed): the vocabulary basis acquired by the students during their secondary school education is systematically upgraded to a corpus containing some 3,000 words and expressions.

Partim Literature List (Ef): The students are familiarised with some classics from English literature and culture.

Partim Translation E/D: General texts (advanced, proficiency) are translated, paying special attention to text structure, syntax, grammar and spelling. Students are also confronted with an extensive corpus of typical translation snags, mostly false friends and cultural challenges. The translator’s professional working conditions are also dealt with.

Partim Translation D/E: Sentences and short texts are translated with special attention devoted to Dutch/English differences in idiomatic expressions, spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Because of the teaching method, the topics are not categorised but recurring problematic areas are repeatedly focussed on.

Partim Vocabulary: A range of diverse topics are studied, subdivided into a set of units dealing with one specific topic each (such as the press, public transport, education, health, the environment). The terminology is mainly introduced by means of gap-exercises. This allows the students to deduce the meaning of unknown words from the context. Apart from the English explanation or synonyms of the new words and expressions, also Dutch equivalents are looked for. Where appropriate, differences between Belgian and Anglo-Saxon social, political and cultural backgrounds are explained. Also American variants of British terms are provided together with the formal/informal register of words. The course material also contains exercises on synonyms, antonyms, collocations and idioms. In addition students learn how to use bilingual and monolingual dictionaries.

Partim Literature List: Students have to make a choice from a list of fiction/non-fiction titles.

Dutch: mother tongue

English: The mainstream secondary school level for English

Final Objectives
The student is able to:
- understand and situate an average written or spoken English text
- write well-formed and correctly worded English sentences and paragraphs
- participate actively in an English conversation on a general subject, using correct language and a good pronunciation.

Materials used
Partim Translation E/D: magazines
Syllabus, with self-study chapter.
Explanatory English dictionary
Woordenlijst der Nederlandse Taal

Study costs
Cost: 7.44 EUR
Syllabus: about € 7,44
Handouts are included in fee for course materials.

Study guidance
Partim Translation E/D:
Tutorials: integrated. In the course of the academic year students are given a test to assess their translating skills. The figure given is merely indicative and does not count towards their exam results.

Partim Translation D/E:
Tutorials: this part also contains a test to assess students’ translating skills. The figure given is merely indicative and does not count towards their exam results

Teaching Methods
Partim Translation E/D:
Part of the course is devoted to typical E/D translating challenges. During a second part texts are actively translated. Students are given translating assignments, which are discussed afterwards during class hours.

Partim Translation D/E:

Tutorials, focussing on competence learning. Students translate individually or in teams. Individual translations are discussed in class.

Partim Vocabulary:
Tutorial combined with self-studyConcluding test is organized.

Partim Literature

Partim Translation E/D
Written examination after second term:
1) translation of original unseen English text, using English explanatory dictionary and Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal .
2) translation of text containing many typical ‘false friends’.

Partim Translation D/E
Written examination after second term: translation of number of unseen Dutch sentences or short text excerpts, using English explanatory dictionary. Syntax, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions dealt with during tutorials are the main components of these sentences and will be especially focussed on.

Joost Bolle (Ed)
Johan Deloof (Ef)
Paul Robberecht (E5)