Lectured in 1st year Business management Optional course finance and insurance
1ste jaar Bedrijfsbeheer
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Paul DIRKS
Reference RGBBRX01A14314
Key words
Financial institutions

The course is an introduction to the courses "Investing" and "Credits" in the second and third years.
The student gains an insight into the structure of the financial sector in Belgium and the financial market.
He learns to obtain information independently and process it accurately and with critical sense.

  • Survey of financial institutions and intermediaries: profile, function, recent developments
  • Survey and operation of financial markets
  • Money transfer systems
  • Role of the central bank
  • Supervision of financial markets and operations.

No special preliminary knowledge required, but basic knowledge of Economics would be an asset.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Lecture's own syllabus

Study costs
Syllabus at current price per photocopy as set by the "Hogeschool".

Study guidance
The lecturer provides, where needed, additional explanations during the lectures.

Teaching Methods
  • Question-answer method
  • Active use of financial newspapers
  • Independent work

  • First exam session: permanent assessment 20% and written exam 80%.
  • Second exam session: written exam 100%/
  • Examination Board Flemish Community: first and second exam session: written exam 100%.
