Lectured in 2nd year Business managementSection environmental administration
2de jaar Bedrijfsbeheer optie Milieu-administratie
Theory [A] 12.5
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Reference RGBBRL02A01022
Key words
Environmental economics and accounting

To learn how to book environmental costs and profits that occur in a commercial and a production company.
Have an understanding of how the environmental costs and profits booked are incorporated in the balance sheet and profit-and-loss account.
If new environmental costs or profits occur, the student must be able - on the basis of the knowledge acquired - to book this and to situate and explain the effect in the annual accounts.
To impart a basic understanding of cost accounting, financing and budgeting with a view to investment calculations in the third year Environmental administration.

  • Book environmental costs and profits in a commercial and production company that occur in the operational cycle or are due to investments
  • Situate environmental costs and profits in the balance sheet and profit-and-loss account.
  • The role of the auditor in environmental matters in a company.
  • Basic notions of cost accounting and budgeting, mainly through exercises.
  • Basic understanding of financing: financial structure and types of credit.

It is necessary to have a ready knowledge of accounting from the first year: accounting invoices, the structure of the balance sheet and profit-and-loss account and basic end-of-year activities.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Course book Environmental economics and accounting.
A few floppies.

Study costs
Course book at cost price determined by the school.
Estimated number of pages: 220.
A few floppies.

Study guidance
Students point out their problem to the tutor who'll search for an adequate solution by mutual agreement.

Teaching Methods
Interactive discussion and individual exercises (partly on computer).
A multidisciplinary case together with 'Environmental legislation' and 'Environmental technology'.

First exam session: written exam 100% possibly partly on computer.
Second exam session: written exam 100% possibly partly on computer.
Examination Board Flemish Commuity: (ditto regular student).
