Lectured in 2nd year Business managementSection environmental administration
2de jaar Bedrijfsbeheer optie Milieu-administratie
Theory [A] 12.5
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Elfrida MATTHYS
Reference RGBBRL02A01017
Key words
Environmental Toxicology

  • This course attempts to provide an elementary knowledge, so that the graduate will be able to follow the flood of fastbreaking developments that appear in the media and in situ.
  • Some products deal directly with fundamental biological processes and are, by their very nature, certain to have an immediate and profound impact on all areas of human health. The graduate will know how numerous environmental factors affect or can affect human health.
  • Therefore expertise in toxicology requires familiarity with:
  • The structure(s) and functions of carbohydrates, lipids and proteinsThe cell, the cell membrane, cytoplasmic organelles, the genome
  • Endocytosis
    Cell reproduction and differentiation
    Expression and suppression of genes
    Malignant neoplasm
  • Enzymes and the factors which affect enzyme activity
  • Principles of the blood and the lymph fluid
    The external and internal respiration and the effects of the exposition of individuals on toxic agents i.e. CO, NO2-...
  • Protection of the body from damage causes by invading microorganisms and toxic agents, (immunology, the immune system; antibodies and antigens; the immune recognition and immune responses; adaptive and innate immunity; tolerance; hypersensitivity; immune deficiencies...).
  • Current information on the influence of the most significant environmental pollutants on human beings, animals and plants;
  • The interpretation of the facts with reference to toxicity;
  • How to understand the information on the packaging of toxic product, particularly those used in agriculture and horticulture;
  • The study of the impact of new technologies and cultivation methods on the environment and of agents that can mimic natural substances and cell components;
  • The principles applied in risk assessment;
  • Amongst other things, how to deal with the toxic effects of a given substance, factors that influence its toxicity, health care aspects of various substances and environmental problems and risk assessment in theory and in practice.


Principles of chemistry and of physics, 1st year.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Syllabus/black board/over head/internet.

Study costs
Unit price determined under hogeschool rules.

Study guidance
A study planner at a concrete level.

Teaching Methods
  • New didactic concepts are continuously developed and implemented. Key concepts in teaching are:
  • A schooling that takes place in an environment that challenges the individual, encouraging independent learning;
  • A syllabus that induces to self study;
  • Themes that gradually shift from basic sciences to specific aspects;
  • A study planner at a concrete level;
  • A discussion section, where students among themselves and the lecturer can discuss scientific issues;
  • A portfolio in which students can control their own development.
  • Case studies.

First exam session: oral exam 100%.
Second exam session: oral exam 100%.
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).
