Lectured in 3rd year Business managementSection finance and insurance
3de jaar Bedrijfsbeheer optie Financie- en verzekeringswezen
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Francine VANDE GINSTE
Reference RGBBRF03A01085
Key words
Portfolio selection and management

  • A student should be able to select and manage a portfolio taking into account the personal situation of the investor and signals from the economy and the financial markets.
  • Students learn to keep track of market prices. They study the impact of market sentiment, corporate results and macroeconomic indicators and learn to draw their conclusions.
  • An independent working attitude and application of the techniques that have been learned
  • Accuracy in dealing with market data
  • Team work
  • Flexibility and creativity in the research of the required information
  • Critical assessment of the information material
  • Sense for permanent learning
  • Acquisition of a problem solving attitude

  • Principles of portfolio selection: strategic (cash, bonds, equities and derivatives) and tactical (sector allocation) based on personal situations, macroeconomic indicators, corporate results and market sentiment
  • Stockpicking based on fundamental analysis, technical analysis and relative performance
  • Following up, managing and hedging portfolios

Basic knowledge acquired in the 1st and 2nd year of Finance section.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Course material prepared by lecturer
Recent articles
Financial websites
Financial newspaper (FET)
Annual and corporate results by corporations

Study costs
Photocopies at the standard price.

Study guidance
Students can consult lecturer to discuss difficulties either after the lecture or via e-mail.

Teaching Methods
Ex cathedra
Classroom discussion of practical cases

First exam session: oral exam 100% with presentation of a paper.
Second exam session: oral exam 100% with presentation of a paper.
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).
