Lectured in 3rd year Business ManagementSection accountancy - tax law
3de jaar Bedrijfsbeheer optie accountancy-fiscaliteit
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Marion DE SMET
Reference RGBBRA03A01046
Key words
Language practice (French-English)

English :
The course aims at teaching and practicing communication skills which will be required of the graduate in business. To this end, students will learn to use what they have learnt over the previous years, and utilize communication strategies trained previously.
The student must be able to work independently and respect deadlines.

The course aims at practicing communication skills oral as well as written - which will be required of the graduate in business.
The student will learn to use sources of information linked to his future profession.

English :
Written communication includes the business letter, report writing, the application letter.
Oral communication includes the application interview and presentations, discussions.
The emphasis is on communicative fluency.Business vocabulary is extended.

Authentic, current texts, newspaper, bulletins, internet texts and vocabulary lists focusing on economical, political and social items.

English :
Terminology accountancy tax law (previous years); grammatiacal correctness for fluent communication.

  • Use of communication strategies trained previously
  • Application of language skills acquired over the previous years higher education.

Final Objectives

Materials used
English : syllabus

Course material prepared by lecturer.

Study costs
At the current copy price as stated by the college.

At the current copy price as stated by the college.

Study guidance
English :
guided self-study

The students can always ask questions during the lessons or by mail.

Teaching Methods
English :
Combination of ex cathedra and question-and-answer method, but self-study and group work are important in processing and practising new content, communication strategies and skills.

Combination of ex cathedra and question-and-answer method, but self-study and group work are important in processing and practicing new content, communication strategies and skills.
Written translation and oral presentation of an individual paper.

English :
First exam session:
  • permanent assessment : 50 %
  • Written exam : 50 %
Second exam session :
  • written exam 100 %
Continuous assessment of assignments, tests and in-class work and oral exam.
  • Permanent assessment: 50 %
  • Oral assessment: 50 %
