Lectured in 3rd year Business ManagementSection accountancy - tax law
3de jaar Bedrijfsbeheer optie accountancy-fiscaliteit
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Carine COPPENS
Reference RGBBRA03A01044
Key words

  • The student should understand what consolidation is, when it is to occur and how.
  • He knows the definitions used by the Law of 6 march 1990 on the consolidated accounts.
  • He knows the methods and principles of consolidation.
  • He may analyse cases that enable him to put theory into practice.
  • He is able to fill in the consolidated balance sheet and income statement, considering the eliminations of intra group transactions.

  • Legislation: application of regulations, basic definitions, kinds of affiliations, obligation of consolidation, participating interests, control, calculating power of control, consolidated aggregate,…
  • General principles and valuation rules concerning the consolidated financial statements
  • Consolidation methods: full consolidation, proportional consolidation, equity method
  • Publication and control of the consolidated financial statements and notes.

General bookkeeping

Final Objectives

Materials used
Teachers' course

Study costs
Market price for the copies.

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Lectures - Case-studies - exercises

First exam session: 100 % written exam
Second exam session: 100 % written exam
Examination Board Flemish Community (ditto regular student)
