Lectured in 2de jaar Industriële wetenschappen, keuze textiel
Theory [A] 37.5
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 140
Studypoints [E] 5
Lecturer Els JANSSENS
Reference IKINWE02O50351
Key words
Textile Technology

In this course the student is introduced to the different activities of the textile industry, such as spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, coating, etc... The student has to get used to a certain textile nomenclature.


A short overview of the types of textile fibres is given in the beginning of the textbook. In the next part the various textile activities are discussed in detail.
The laboratory tests include fibre identification methods by means of a microscope.

Teaching Methods
Lectures with textbook, video film, ...

Materials used
The title of the textbook is : "basic principles of the Textile technology". The first part provides a brief introduction to the division of the textile fibres. Certain production techniques such as spinning and weaving are also explained in this part. In the second part of the textbook production techniques such as carpets, knitting, non wovens, dyeing, printing, finishing are discussed.
The manual provides the student with all the information that might be useful to run the laboratory sessions. It consists of microscope descriptions, explanations about the preparation of the object, tables of identification through fire and chemical solution tests.

Study guidance

Theory : 67% - Written examination.
Laboratory : 33%- Quotations on laboratory reports.

Study costs
550 BEF.

