Lectured in 4de jaar Chemie optie biochemie, keuze brouwerij- en gistingsbedrijven
Theory [A] 75.0
Exercises [B] 62.5
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 340
Studypoints [E] 12
Lecturer Ronnie WILLAERT
Reference IICHCB04O03872
Key words

To obtain an in depth theoretical and practical knowledge of malting and brewing technology.


Processes which lead to the production of malt starting from barley (malting) and to the production of beer from malt and other raw materials such as adjuncts, brewing water and hops (brewery).
1. Malt production: barley; intake, cleaning, grading and transfer of barley; drying and storage; steeping; germination; kilning; treatment of malt after kilning; special malts.
2. Raw materials: hops, adjuncts, brewing water.
3. Wort production: malt milling; mashing; lautering; wort boiling; brewhouse yield; brewhouse equipment; casting of the wort; removal of the coarse break; cooling and clarifying of the wort.
4. Beer production: biology and genetics of yeast; biochemistry; propagation; fermentation and maturation; production of ale; refermentation in the bottle; beer filtration; beer stabilisation.
5. Beer container filling: filling of bottles, cans, casks and kegs.
6. Microbial control.
7. Cleaning and desinfection.
8. The finished beer: the tap installation; beer quality.

Practical part: malt and beer production in the laboratory on a pilot scale, visits to maltings and breweries.

Teaching Methods

Materials used

Study guidance


Study costs

